This is a dope site if you like graffitti. Zone has reached perfection. This site even offers classes, i think??, on how to create murals... and t's. enjoy.
I need to remix my blog. Audrey the Town Crier is the name I came up with for when ever I decide to write my little kids books. The stories will all come from my own personal trials and tribulations, as a youngster growing up. The stories I will create will be based on the average American family with not much extra spending money. Audrey (our town crier) learns about life and becomes happy with what she's got. Audrey will be a pinay girl of course, with long black hair and a sassy attitude. :)
That site is crazy! Some of those murals are really amazing...thanks for the entertainment :)
If I come to work with paint on my hands you'll know why..
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